A Message from the President
Hello friends,
I would like to formally accept the esteemed position of President of the Pennsylvania Association on Probation, Parole, and Corrections (PAPPC). It is with a profound sense of honor and commitment that I step into this leadership position, ready to contribute to the vital work of the conference theme this year: Building Bridges: Transforming Communities, Corrections, and Reentry Supervision. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Executive Board and members of PAPPC for entrusting me with this significant responsibility. I am deeply humbled by the opportunity to serve alongside such dedicated individuals.
The theme of our conference this year: Building Bridges: Transforming Communities, Corrections, and Reentry Supervision requires a comprehensive and compassionate approach which in today’s time is more important than ever before. It involves promoting evidence-based practices that prioritize rehabilitation, providing individuals with the support and resources they need to thrive, and addressing the root causes of crime and recidivism, including poverty, substance abuse, mental health issues, and systemic inequality. This work is essential in addressing the complex challenges facing our society today. By fostering collaborations and building bridges among Probation and Parole Officers, correctional professionals, policymakers, community leaders and individuals impacted by the criminal justice system we can create a collective vision for a more equitable and effective criminal justice system in Pennsylvania.
As a member of the PAPPC for over 20 years, and now as President, I am committed to advancing our organization by continuing to provide training opportunities that support our mission and further our goals with a future filled with innovation, advocacy, and support for all those working tirelessly in the field.
Our conference this year was held at The Landing Hotel in Pittsburgh. The conference provided insight to the topics that currently affect each of us in the field of criminal justice today while also providing networking opportunities with agencies across the state. We will continue to offer our Annual Conference, regional trainings and The Journal to all of our members. Our Annual conference location for 2025 will be announced soon, so keep watching our website for details.
In closing, I want to extend my thanks to each of you for your dedication to our shared mission. Joining the Pennsylvania Association on Probation, Parole, and Corrections means joining a community committed to positive change and professional growth.
I encourage you to become an active member with the PAPPC and to join us on this journey. Your voice, your ideas, and your passion are an invaluable asset as we shape the future of probation, parole, and corrections in Pennsylvania. Let's build a stronger, more inclusive community where every member thrives and every voice is heard.
Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment. Here's to a bright and impactful future together.
Dawna M. Miletics
PAPPC President